How to Read The Very Hungry Caterpillar, Better | Homeschooling


OK. So you and the kids have read this book so many times. WHAT NOW?

As promised, we are here to document literature-based instruction lesson plans… with the high hopes of a more progressive classroom (Or need I say, homeschool). *wink*

FIRST, we are dealing with 21st Century kids so there’s got to be…

  • respect for the child’s intrinsic need for AUTONOMY; and
  • hope for PROGRESS.

Purpose: For children to be aware of healthy eating

Autonomy: For children to be mindful of their everyday food choices

Progress: For children to monitor self-progress by creating a food diary

As you can see, I have underlined for children to remind us that this plan is not for anyone who would like to do some kind of monologue that students have to spend time watching… Nuff said…


I.A. Phonics

(u) up, hungry, Sunday, sun, much, butterfly

(r)  very, hungry, pears, strawberries, oranges, cherries

I.B. Unlocking Words

1. Sunday

2. Monday

3. Tuesday

4. Wednesday

5. Thursday

6. Friday

7. Saturday

8. Sunday

9. one

10. two

11. three

12. four

13. five

14. chocolate cake

15. ice cream cone

16. pickle

17. Swiss cheese

18. salami

19. lollipop

20. cherry pie

21. sausage

22. cupcake

23. watermelon

24. leaf

I.C. Learning Expressions

1. “I’m hungry.”

2. “I’m still hungry.”

3. “I’m not hungry anymore.”

I.D. Experiential Question(s)

“What do you usually eat in a week?”

I.E. Motivational Question(s)

“What will the very hungry caterpillar eat for a week?”


(Read Aloud)


III.A. Review answers to Motivational Q(s)


Mondayone applestill hungry
Tuesdaytwo pearsstill hungry
Wednesdaythree plumsstill hungry
Thursdayfour strawberriesstill hungry
Fridayfive orangesstill hungry
Saturdayone piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelonstomachache (!!!)
Sundayone green leaffelt better

III.B. Food Choices

This should be the fun part. Students are shown food(s) which are grouped according to color. They are then asked which one they will likely eat and which one, for them, is the healthiest choice.

1st Group (RED)- apples, strawberries, watermelon, tomatoes, sausage

2nd Group (GREEN)- kiwi fruit, green muscat, broccoli, pickle, matcha roll cake

3rd Group (PURPLE)- blueberries, grapes, eggplants, blue gummies, blueberry cheesecake

4th Group (ORANGE)- orange, melon, carrots, potato chips, orange juice

III.C. Progress Worksheet

The child plots the foods he/she will eat the following week. Answers will then be shared in class and the child will be asked how those food(s) made him/her feel.

NOTE: They can draw if they are not yet familiar with writing the alphabets.

Mondayone apple
Tuesdaytwo pears
Wednesdaythree plums
Thursdayfour strawberries
Fridayfive oranges
Saturdayone piece of chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon
Sundayone green leaf

~Asian Santa

June 13, 2024


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